Central Pennsylvania
Professional Women in Building
The Central PA PWB Council is passionate about meeting the needs of future members of the Builders Association of Central PA and working to share strategies and solutions that will support, enhance, and promote professionals in the home building industry.
Who We Are:
The Central PA PWB is a select group of inspiring professionals who share strategies and solutions to promote, enhance, and support professional women in today's home building industry.
What We Do:
Promote the skilled trades
Encourage career development and mentoring within the industry
Support community involvement
Celebrate contributions of women in construction

PWB 2023 Student Award Winners
Mingkhwan Phiset
Angel Shawley

Mingkhwan received this award in recognition of her exceptional work at Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology.
Her future plans are to attend Penn State and study Plant Science.

Angel received this award for her dedication to further her career, while attending Central Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology Horticulture program.
Angel has previously worked with a lawn care company during her summers and plans to work full-time for them after graduation.
When you ask young children what they want to be when they grow up, the scope of answers is enormous! They pick from the careers they’ve seen and thought were exciting and important: teacher, builder, doctor, garbage collector, firefighter, astronaut…the list is as endless as their potential!
The Central PA PWB Council created an activity book to keep those childhood dreams alive! While literally keeping roofs over people’s heads as builders, architects, electricians, engineers, plumbers, bankers, roofers, and more, these professions are ALL rewarding careers with bright futures.
The average house takes over 20 different subcontractors to complete, each with a different responsibility. Excavators, plumbers, framers, painters – everyone has a different role to play when a piece of land becomes a home. This activity book highlights some of these crucial trades. We hope you have fun finding out more about the work that goes into building a new home!
Ready to take the next step or just looking for more information? Fill out the information below and what interests you most about the Central PA PWB Council.
Keri O'Shea, Executive Officer of the BACP, will be in touch shortly with the next steps.
Thank you for your interest in the Central PA PWB Council!